Audio/Video Downloads

Audio/Video Downloads


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Showing records 211 through 240.

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God of the Bible as the World View (Audio)

6/4/2023 Jon Perry  Evening Sermon
Proverbs 14:12 

Christian Relationships (Audio)

5/28/2023 Tanner Dalton  Evening Sermon
2nd Corinthians 7 

Laws in Romans-2 (Video)
Laws Providing The Savior

5/28/2023 Terry Peer  Romans 3:21-31 & 8:1-4; 

Christian Relationships (Video)

5/28/2023 Tanner Dalton  Evening Sermon

Laws in Romans-2 (Audio)
Laws Providing The Savior

5/28/2023 Terry Peer  Romans 3:21-31 & 8:1-4; 

Laws in Romans-1 (Video)
Laws Requiring A Savior

5/21/2023 Terry Peer  Romans 2:12-16;
Romans 13:8-10 

Laws in Romans-1 (Audio)
Laws Requiring A Savior

5/21/2023 Terry Peer  Romans 2:12-16;
Romans 13:8-10 

Led By His Spirit (Video)

5/21/2023 Terry Peer  Evening Sermon
Luke 4:2, 14; Rom.8:14; Gal. 5:18 

Led By His Spirit (Audio)

5/21/2023 Terry Peer  Evening Sermon
Luke 4:2, 14; Rom.8:14; Gal. 5:18 

Deborah (Video)
A Spiritual Woman Who Embraced God's Call

5/14/2023 Terry Peer  Mother's day
Judges 4-5;
2nd Timothy 1:3-7 

Deborah (Audio)
A Spiritual Woman Who Embraced God's Call

5/14/2023 Terry Peer  Mother's day
Judges 4-5;
2nd Timothy 1:3-7 

Darkness & Light-2 (Video)
Penetrating The Darkness

5/7/2023 Terry Peer  Evening Sermon
2nd Corinthians 4:6 

Darkness & Light-1 (Video)
What’s Up With The World

5/7/2023 Terry Peer  2nd Corinthians 4:1-6;
2nd Timothy 3:1-5 

Darkness & Light-1 (Audio)
What’s Up With The World

5/7/2023 Terry Peer2023-05-07_Darkness   2nd Corinthians 4:1-6;
2nd Timothy 3:1-5 

Darkness & Light-2 (Audio)
Penetrating The Darkness

5/7/2023 Terry Peer  Evening Sermon
2nd Corinthians 4:6 

Core Truth from Jesus’ (Audio)
Sermon on The Mount

4/30/2023 Terry Peer  Evening Sermon
Matthew 5-6-7 

The Price of Love (Audio)

4/30/2023 Tanner Dalton  Ephesians 5:1-2;
John 15:13 

Core Truth from Jesus’ (Video)
Sermon on The Mount

4/30/2023 Terry Peer  Evening Sermon
Matthew 5-6-7 

The Price of Love (Video)

4/30/2023 Tanner Dalton  Ephesians 5:1-2;
John 15:13 

In the Image of God-3 (Audio)
The Perfect Image of God

4/23/2023 Terry Peer  2nd Corinthians 4:4;
Colossians 1:15;
John 8:28-30 

In the Image of God-4 (Audio)
Changed Into His Image

4/23/2023 Terry Peer  Evening Sermon
2nd Cor. 3:18; Rom. 8:29;
Colossians 3:10 

In the Image of God-3 (Video)
The Perfect Image of God

4/23/2023 Terry Peer  2nd Corinthians 4:4;
Colossians 1:15;
John 8:28-30 

In the Image of God-4 (Video)
Changed Into His Image

4/23/2023 Terry Peer  Evening Sermon
2nd Cor. 3:18; Rom. 8:29;
Colossians 3:10 

In the Image of God-2 (Video)
When The Image Gets Distorted

4/16/2023 Terry Peer  Evening Sermon
Genesis 2-6 

In the Image of God-1 (Audio)
Created In The Image Of God

4/16/2023 Terry Peer  Genesis 1:26-27;
Psalms 100:1-5 

In the Image of God-2 (Audio)
When The Image Gets Distorted

4/16/2023 Terry Peer  Evening Sermon
Genesis 2-6 

In the Image of God-1 (Video)
Created In The Image Of God

4/16/2023 Terry Peer  Genesis 1:26-27;
Psalms 100:1-5 

Where He Walked-2(Video)
The Emmaus Road

4/9/2023 Terry Peer  Resurrection Sunday
Luke 24:1-27;
Matthew 28:1-8 

Where He Walked-3 (Audio)
The Bethany/Olivet Road

4/9/2023 Terry Peer  Evening Sermon
Mark 16:19-20;
Luke 24:5-53;
Acts 1:9-11 

Where He Walked-2(Audio)
The Emmaus Road

4/9/2023 Terry Peer  Resurrection Sunday
Luke 24:1-27;
Matthew 28:1-8 

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Showing records 211 through 240.
